Age Of Dog

To paraphrase British author LP Hartley: “The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.”

It was a strange time. New Zealand was in flux. Me and my friends were drifting around between studying and the dole. Unemployment had peaked around 10%, student loans had just been introduced, Ruth Richardson was Minister of Finance, and there was a shell shocked mood in the country. Email and the internet were just over the horizon. Nirvana was popular, and Princess Diana was still alive.

Age Of Dog on the ferry north, 1994
Age Of Dog at their Vogel Street, Dunedin, practice rooms, 1993
The 1994 Age Of Dog New Zealand tour flyer
Age Of Dog at Sammy's, Dunedin, 1993
Age Of Dog, 1993
Age Of Dog in Auckland, 1994
The 1993 Age Of Dog tour budget
Age Of Dog, 1994: Dale Cotton, Tane Griffin and Victor Billot
Age Of Dog - Between 2 Poles, live at Crown Hotel, Dunedin, 20 June 1992
Age Of Dog at Dunedin Railway Station, 1994
Tane Griffin and Victor Billot on tour
Notes for the 1993 Age Of Dog tour. An interview with Lisa Van Der Aarde at 95bFM for Freak The Sheep is mentioned.
Piers Graham, 1993
Victor Billot, 1993
The 1994 tour plan notes
Age Of Dog poster, 1992
A 1993 Age Of Dog poster
Age Of Dog, 1993: Piers Graham, Victor Billot and Tane Griffin
Tane Griffin in Kaikoura, May 1994
An incomplete Age Of Dog's live shows list
Tane Griffin, 1993
Dale Cotton in Auckland, 1994
Age Of Dog, 1993
Age Of Dog, Wellington, May 1994
Age Of Dog at Sammy's, Dunedin, 1993
Age Of Dog play Natasha Griffiths' 21st birthday party
Victor Billot with an Age Of Dog poster at Toitū Otago Settlers Museum, Dunedin, 2013. The distinctive artwork is by Peter Adamson of Dunedin music group The Webbsters.
The Age Of Dog mastertape from early recordings at Fish Street Studios, Dunedin, 1992

Piers Graham later played drums in pub rock legends Deja Voodoo.

Dale Cotton later engineered and produced a large number of music groups including HDU, Dimmer, The Subliminals, Cloudboy, Sola Rosa, Mestar and many others.

Soundman and engineer James Woods now plays bass in Beast Wars.

Tane’s first band, the Tin Soldiers, was a high school Rockquest winner in 1991.


Victor Billot - vocals, guitar

Tane Griffin - vocals, guitar

Piers Graham - drums

Dale Cotton - drums

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