Barry Linton

A recently discovered photograph from the early 1980s shows three young pop-culture heroes, each just starting to make their presence felt. Chris Knox leans casually against a brick wall holding a pot plant. Fellow cartoonist Joe Wylie sits sideways on a broken apple box. Both wear jandals and look straight at the camera.

Barry Linton, standing on the right, wears sandshoes and a hand-printed “Pacific Nights” T-shirt. He looks thin, slightly awkward and gazes down at the ground. The three are about to attend the opening of an exhibition of their graphic art. And it’s in a real art gallery; suddenly the Auckland comix scene is cool.

Barry Linton, centre, outside Cafe 121, Ponsonby Road, Auckland
Photo credit: Chris Priestley
Excerpt from The Comics Show, a documentary directed by Shirley Horrocks.
Chris Knox, Joe Wylie and Barry Linton
Coup D'Etat at Auckland University's Maidment Theatre, May 1980
Photo credit: Design by Barry Linton
Red Mole's Slaughter on Cockroach Ave was performed at the Ace of Clubs Auckland, November 1977. Alan Brunton wrote the "scenario"; the music was by Midge Marsden, the Country Flyers, and Jan Preston
Photo credit: Barry Linton
Barry Linton's generic Coup D'Etat poster
Photo credit: Design by Barry Linton
The Furys' 1981 EP Auckland Fun, with a sleeve designed by Barry Linton
Barry Linton, a portrait by Dylan Horrocks
Red Mole's production 'I'll Never Dance Down Bugis St Again' was taken on a nationwide tour for 13 weeks in 1980. Alan Brunton wrote the "scenario"; the music was by Sam Ford, John Davies, and Dave Ironside. 
Photo credit: Barry Linton
Herbs' 1983 album Light of the Pacific. Barry Linton's cover art incorporated many of his perennial themes such as Pacific exploration and urban Polynesia.
Barry Linton -Photo by Arthur Baysting
Photo credit: Photo by Arthur Baysting
Red Mole's 1980 EP, with artwork by Barry Linton. Trudi Green is the guest singer of 'Julie's Song'. 
The first Radio Hauraki show, 1976
Photo credit: Design by Barry Linton
For the first New Zealand comic convention, Barry Linton was asked by the Listener to cover the event, in pictures and words. This is a detail of the two-page strip, which ran in the 1 October 1994 issue. 
Barry Linton - Photo by Arthur Baysting
Photo credit: Photo by Arthur Baysting

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