The Johnnies

The Johnnies were a young Christchurch band formed by ex-Jolly-Ups Mike Smith and Neil McRobie, and two punks, Vince Haughey and Rick Tindall, after they met at the inner city DB Gladstone venue.

Their ultra elusive 7-inch EP is a rare Christchurch punk rock single, almost never seen in New Zealand. It slipped out at a release party at the Chinese Cultural Centre in Christchurch in December 1982 in a 500 copy run and soon disappeared.

The Johnnies - Who Killed Johnny EP
The Johnnies at Christchurch's PJ's club, June 1982
The December 1982 Who Killed Johnny single by The Johnnies. One of the rarest New Zealand punk singles, only 500 were pressed.
Vince Haughey

Johnarchy Records


Vince Haughey - guitar

Rick Tindall - vocals

Neil McRobie - drums

Mike Smith - bass

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