Francisca Griffin

aka Kathy Bull, Kathy Griffin

Francisca Griffin has morphed and shifted, reinvented and found herself and her music over the last 40 years. Always creating, healing, or leading, she continues to follow her muse.

Canadian by birth, Francisca Griffin – originally Kathy Griffin but known as Kathy Bull in her days with Look Blue Go Purple and other acts – is a Dunedinite by design, the city claiming her and not letting go. However, it wasn’t entirely love at first sight. Moving to Dunedin in 1975 with her family was a culture shock. 

The cover of 1991's self-titled compilation album
Poster for Francisca Griffin gig at Zanzibar, 29 August 2017.
Kathy Bull steps up to the mic in Look Blue Go Purple.
Francisca Griffin playing at the Inch Bar, May 2019
Look Blue Go Purple and W.S.S.O.E.S gig poster, Oriental Tavern, Dunedin, mid-1980s. 
Photo credit: Posters collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena,University of Otago. S15-548a
Look Blue Go Purple, L to R: Kathy Bull, Denise Roughan, Kathryn Webster, Lesley Paris, Norma O'Malley
Photo credit: Photo by Terry Moore
Francisca Griffin at the Whammy Bar, October 2018.
Francisca Griffin, ‘the spaces between’ album cover, 2019. 
Look Blue Go Purple - Circumspect Penelope (1985)
Look Blue Go Purple - Cactus Cat (1986)
Francisca Griffin at the launch of ‘the spaces between’, the Cook, Dunedin, 25 January 2019
Shayne Carter - Big Fat Elvis (live) - with Francisca Griffin on bass, Peter Jefferies on drums.
The 2017 compilation, Still Bewitched
Francisca Griffin setlist, The Crown, Dunedin, March 2018
Look Blue Go Purple, Dunedin, 1985 - Denise Roughan, Kathy Bull, Lesley Paris, Norma O'Malley, Kath Webster.
Photo credit: Jeremy Freeman
Francisca Griffin and The Bus Shelter Boys poster, 28 July 2018, Audio Foundation, Dunedin. 
Francisca Griffin live to air on Radio One, Dunedin, 2018
Francisca Griffin performing at ‘the spaces between’ album launch at the Cook, Dunedin, 25 January 2019
Poster for Francisca Griffin gig at None Gallery, Dunedin, 8 April 2017.
Look Blue Go Purple: Kathy Bull, Norma O'Malley, Lesley Paris, Denise Roughan, Kath Webster.
Francisca Griffin and the Bus Shelter: Gabriel Griffin, left, Mick Elborado, right, 2019.
Francisca Griffin, 2019.
Francisca Griffin's setlist for the Lonnie Hollie support 18 June 2019 
Look Blue Go Purple: Denise Roughan, Lesley Paris, Kath Webster, Kathy Bull, Norma O'Malley.
Photo credit: Photo by Terry Moore
Look Blue Go Purple - In Your Favour (live, 1985)
Francisca Griffin live at the Crown, Dunedin, 2017.

Cocomuse Releases

Flying Nun

Oddfish Productions

New World of Sound



Griffin has a naturopathy business called Being Healthy, and had a radio show on OAR FM Dunedin called 'Being Healthy Naturally'.

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