Eddie Chambers

A major figure in the Auckland inner-city scene in the 1990s, Eddie Chambers started out working at Radio BFM as a volunteer in the late 1980s, and was soon the recording engineer in their in-house ad production crew.

He was quickly using the BFM facility to record musicians and Chamber's name pops up often on recordings of some early Auckland rap crews including Semi MCs, who won the BFM Rap Competition in 1988 – the prize included the opening slot for Run DMC. He also engineered recordings for the likes of MC OJ and Rhythm Slave, Hallelujah Picassos, and Nathan Haines, whilst at BFM.

Nemesis Dub Systems A Multitrack Situation - 1992
Nemesis Dub Systems - Joost Langeveld and Eddie Chambers
Photo credit: Photo by Darryl Ward
Eddie Chambers, Albert Park, mid-1990s
Photo credit: Murray Cammick Collection
Eddie Chambers in the bFM studio
Photo credit: Photo by Murray Cammick
Roger Perry and Eddie Chambers, Cause Celebre 1990
Photo credit: Photo by Brigid Grigg-Eyley
Nemesis Dub Systems - 'They Began' (Projector Mix)
Nemesis Dub Systems - 'How 'bout That'

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