Song: Love Love Love

Artist: Avalanche City

Album: Our New Life Above the Ground

Release date: 2011

Genre: Folk/Indie

Key: F# Major

Chords in Key:
















Love Love Love is written for drums, bass, organ, acoustic guitar, ukulele and vocals. It is in a pop song format. The key of F# has the note E# in it. It is written as E# because if it was written as F♮, then accidentals would need to be written every time it changed between F# and F♮.


The intro is simply the tonic chord for two bars before the verse begins on the same chord. It is a simple, four-chord progression. It uses a plagal cadence to loop back on itself until the final bar, where it replaces the subdominant with the dominant. Instruments are added in the middle of the verse to create a sense of forward momentum.


The drum kit enters at the start of the chorus which helps to make it stand out. The dominant chord at the end of the verse moves to the submediant and a four-chord pattern plays, ending on the dominant. When this repeats it creates a deceptive cadence each time until a perfect cadence is used to go from the chorus to the next verse.


The bridge is based around the supertonic, and like other sections of the song, finishes on the dominant to create a perfect cadence back into the chorus. A change in dynamics from mezzo-forte to piano helps to draw the listener in to hear just the vocals and organ in a much more intimate space. A crescendo leads back to the chorus, with the ukulele plucking a few notes and building this into a strum. Just as the bridge ends, there is a fermata, other than a few plucked ukulele notes which makes the music “hold its breath” for a moment before the final choruses kick in.


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